Thursday, August 16, 2007

Birthday Girl!

Today my youngest turns 7 years old...that means that she may only be here with me 11 more years...which is the age of my oldest...she just turned 11 three days ago. And they were all just born yesterday! And my 11 year old might only be here with me for another 7 years... which was the amount of time that has passed since my youngest was born ...which was just like yesterday! And it all feels like it just happened yesterday! Please won't the clock slow down a little! Sniff, sniff :(
P.s. I failed to mention my 8 year old who is turning 9 and might only be here with me for 10 more years...and she was just born yesterday!


Dreama said...

Just wait until they are 18, boohoo, mine was just born yesterday and he's leaving tomorrow. Guess this means we can actually sit on the couch!
Happy Birthday baby Holt

Dreama said...

Amanda had a wonderful time at the Party!!! Thank you for inviting her.
I thought I would share with you my cousin's homeschool schedule: here's her blog
You will enjoy it...she is so detailed!!!

Anonymous said...

haha..cherie..that was very confusing..but you do have 3 wonderful girls..and i'll testify to that!

Anonymous said...

Cherie, look at the bright side; tomorrow you'll have a grandbaby or two to love, hold, spoil, and all that jazz (and what a young grandmother you would be). Or, I guess you could join a procrasinator's club. I hear they just never get around to tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Miss Abby!! Tell her that Ms. Kari and Mr. Jeremy love her and miss her and wish her a great year of being 7!!!