Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Can't Sleep

I'm just too excited. I lay in bed just going over all the awesome things that God is allowing me to see. It is like an awakening to His power.
I realized this weekend that no matter where I go, I am joining in the work that God is already doing. Not everyone I get to talk to is ready to give their lives over to Jesus, but every person I talk to is somewhere in the process of rejecting or accepting Him. I find it exciting to be allowed to be a part of that. It is sad to see some forging a path to Hell...but those that we encounter whose hearts are open to Christ's saving work cause pure delight in my heart.

I want to ask you to pray for a special woman that God has brought into my families path recently. If I could share with you all that this woman has been through, it would truly break your heart. You might even be tempted to ask why would God allow such atrocities! God is good and He is working in Bonnie's life ( not her real name) ...to enlighten, to save, to deliver, to comfort, and heal.
Two weekends ago Buddy and our friend John went to visit Bonnie after her grand kids came to the kid's club that we do in a nearby neighborhood. She broke down in her front lawn, confessing her sins right there before God and strangers. She share her desire to turn away from her past and walk a new life with Jesus. She is a drug user and has been clean from meth for 40 days.
This past weekend when we went to visit her she was very suicidal. I know that God is doing great things in her life and that it is Satan's desire to destroy the fruit...but he won't be able. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. I love watching Him do it! I love watching God exalt Himself. Pray for my new sister in Christ.


Mike said...

I'm anxious to meet her. I have heard much about her.

Anonymous said...

Praying for "Bonnie" this morning.

Dreama said...

Just when you think you have it bad, God always shows you how blessed you are!!!

By the way...I imagine you in a denim jumper with white socks and tennis shoes!! LOL!!

Thanks for helping out with the crafts and VBS!!!

Cherie said...

Actually, I would consider the denim jumper and socks with tennies a step up from the prairie garb we have had to wear this week!

Buddy said...

God is so good...I got to speak with "Bonnie" by phone. The seed that was planted is still being watered! Pray that God will allow us to see this harvest. She will be returning within two weeks.

She asks for our prayers as she is suffering from panic attacks.