Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Reaping Season

I've been listening to some audio teachings recently and I am in awe of how God gives to some the wonderful ability to expound on the His Word. I try not to covet their gifts and just be content to work in the gifts and talents that God has given to me.
Even this last Sunday night I was impressed (not with any man's ability), but with how God chooses such simple, weak vessels in which to pour out His power and knowledge. God just dumbfounds me!

I have been listening to some audios that a friend posted from a conference that he and his wife attended this last spring. I am finally coming back into a season in my life where I can once again dedicated larger chunks of time to study and (practical application). I don't want to be a hearer only. Praise the Lord...I thought that I would get lost in those years of diapers and toddler toys...but we are on the other side of that and I am experiencing a season of spiritual feeding!!!
I don't want to seem like I'm saying that there was no refreshment in the years my kids were little.(Don't mean to scare my young mom friends) It just took a lot more organization and discipline than I have naturally. God was very good to help me keep spiritually feed through those years...but it was more of God's drawing than my seeking:). He is so good to be so patient with us.
My only fear in writing this is that it seems fitting to God's great sense of humor that now that I have rejoiced over my new found freedom, that He would have me come up pregnant again. Right Julie!!?
I surrender it...even my womb...besides now I have 3 wonderful babysitters. I'm willing to loan them out to anyone else than needs a time of refreshment and feeding on the Word.


Anonymous said...

"My only fear in writing this is that it seems fitting to God's great sense of humor that now that I have rejoiced over my new found freedom, that He would have me come up pregnant again"

--- I had to read this over several times to see if there was a "hidden" announcement there?!

Little Buddy Jr must be glad to hear that his Mom is ready for him!! ;)

As for freedom, and to answer Kari's question, the lack of freedom is why I am usually blogging into the wee hours of the morning. It's not a choice...just the only chance at free time I have!

Anonymous said...


I'm so glad I wasn't the only one that had to read that comment several times. However, I think it would be pretty cool to see a miniature Buddy running around.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on little Buddy! See, I saw the hidden message. Just kidding. Think about this for one moment, 2 Buddies! Oh Lord!

Anonymous said...

Kenneth. . .is that you? Really, you? Oh man, I thought you had gone to blogger heaven. Oh, it's so good to see you in print. Wow, what a blessing.

Cherie said...

Yeah...that was very poorly written! I am not pregnant though....(?)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, she ended her disclaimer with a ?

Anonymous said...

What....Cherie wrote this on Thursday and I talked with her on Friday over the phone....she didn't tell me she was pregnant!!! Yes, hon, I had to read that twice myself (my heart skipped a beat). Not that another 'little buddy' or a 'little cherie' wouldn't be wonderful and you know the girls would love it.
I've just caught up on all your writings over the past two months and the whole time I was reading I was saying, "Father God did you really allow this precious soul to come through me. WHAT A BLESSING YOU ARE TO ALL OF US. Love Ya

Anonymous said...

It couldn't happen to a nicer gal. You've been talking to that rabbit, haven't you?!

Cherie said...

Hey I just realized that I wrote that very poorly constructed sentence about pregnancy at 2:30 pm...which just goes to prove that I am a much better writer at 2:30...a.m. ( That make me an official NIGHT OWL...don't you think Julie?)