Sunday, February 4, 2007

Be still and know...Previously known as " Mad Enough to Quit"

Note to the reader: This post is meant to be read in a light hearted tone. It is meant to poke fun at our tendency to "get up in arms" about things ,when God calls us to be obedient and to be still before Him.

I almost quit church Thursday! Boy...I was hot. My feathers were ruffled. My buttons had been pushed and I was gonna stand behind my cause. I was sure this was the hill I was willing to die on! Have you been there before? I've seen it happen time and time again in my 35 years growing up around the body of Christ. It wasn't my first experience with this emotion nor I'm sure my last.
So what did I do? I spent Thursday morning in tears, praying, the afternoon on the phone with my mother and by that evening had resolved myself to surrendering my anguish to God and to,"being still and knowing that He is God", and that I am not...and that I cannot fix a thing! God told me Thursday night to continue in obedience...that was it. It wasn't the answer that I was looking for... I was ready to kick some spiritual * tookus, (thanks Tamara for my new word) and take names! But He didn't give me the green light on that one.

This morning I saw the fruit of being still and obedient before the Lord. God is so much better than I am at working things out. You're thinking...Duh...well of course!
Are you laughing at me? Come on, fess up...If you have been active in a church body for awhile, then I know that you have probably been there once or twice yourself.
As I was driving home from church today I couldn't help but hum under my breath a little diddy we use to sing in children's church...

" When we walk with the Lord, in the light of His Word what a glory He sheds on our way. While we do His good will, He abides with us still and with all those who TRUST and OBEY...
TRUST and OBEY for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to TRUST and OBEY. "

I am so glad that I chose to trust and obey rather than kick tookus or quit!

*Tookus: Bo-bo, hinie, bum, rear, rear-end, gluteus maximus, butt.


Anonymous said...

I can agree with the emotion there! I've dealt with the same thoughts in the past week! But you can't quit! You are such an encouragement to the body of Christ and they (we) need you. By the way...I like your new word tookus!! Think that might have been the best part about your post! :)

Anonymous said...

It seems as though the theme lately is the need for more "tookuses" to be kicked! It is so frustrating. I agree with can't quit! You are a constant encouragement to me and my family. Thanks for being "real" in the Lord!

Cherie said...

I'm not going to quit...I just feel tempted to quit sometimes. I know that the Holy Spirit will never let me really get to that point and will always intervene with wisdom and conviction. Thanks for your encouraging words though.