Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hijack My Blog

In just a few minutes it will be the 1 month anniversary of my blog. And as I am sitting here looking at it...I realize that I want more!

I have never been one for interior design. The truth is that my husband has done all the home interior design, purchasing and arranging around here. He has an eye for that type of thing and frankly...he has a lot of chick in him. He admits this freely to our friends and adds that he is also a sensitive kinda guy...and that chicks dig that! The four chicks that live with him " dig it." So, I guess that makes it okay?
Anyway...I try not to compare but it is hard when I make my rounds to all my blogging friends' sites and then I come back to my blogging's just so plain and brown and ...did I say plain?
So, I had an idea. I don't have television, but I have heard of that program where they come and take your plain old vehicle and they turn it into a wow mobile. So I want to know if someone will "pimp my blog"?
(Btw, when I write that my honey has a lot of chick in him, I am in no way implying that He is effeminate :0)


Anonymous said...

Cherie the easiest thing is to make yourself a WordPress. That is what the rest of us have and then you can change the designs with a click of the button. If you want I can show you how (That is what I did for Kenneth which started the blogging revolution in our group :) ) So anyways I can show you online or you could stop by the office.

As far as blogpost is concerned you can still do a lot but you are a little more limited. In some regards. Well anyway I would love to be your Xzibit, just say the word. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't change I like the look.

Anonymous said...

I like the look too, Cherie. It's neat and clean (and you know how I like neat and clean)!! But it's YOUR blog so I will adjust to whatever you decide.

Cherie said...

I really need someone to show me how to add links and pictures...that might spice it up a bit. I just figured out how to copy and paste last week...I know, don't laugh.I am a little backwards when it comes to technology. I am trying though. I think that I waited long enough and they have made everything so user friendly now!

Buddy said...

I will show I have to do everything around here!!!!