Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'm Falling Off the Blogging Train

Life has just been more hectic since school started back. I can't seem to divide myself any further...there is just not enough of me to go around! Or perhaps there is enough of me, but I'm just too unorganized to figure out how to be anymore productive??? That is probably more realistic. Anyhow, I'm exhausted and it is only September! What's a home school mom to do?

It seems no matter how psyched up I am at the beginning of a new school year by the time Christmas rolls around I am consumed with self doubt and sure that I am doing my kids some kind of injustice by attempting to educate them myself. This has been my lot in life for 7 years now. It's really a roller coaster of emotion. What if I ruin them??? What if they spell everything phonetically for the rest of their lives. The pressure!

To top this off I have been sick all week. The pressure and congestion in my head are keeping me from resting. I find myself at the computer now because I can't lay my head down for the pressure in my sinuses...pretty, I know! How can one be completely stuffed up and have a runny nose at the same time? Go figure? I've taken everything you could possibly suggest to me. The best remedy yet has been the vapor rub up my nose...yeah gross...but it relieves for a few minutes. I'm wondering if I could just melt that stuff down and drink it??? In Mexico we would boil eucalyptus leaves and drink the hot tea...but I haven't found any eucalyptus trees in the area?

So these are just the ramblings of a tired, sick home school mom. God is always good and I am grateful the occasional "rough" day that causes me to cling to Him tighter and to be grateful for His innumerable blessings.


Anonymous said...

You're doing a great job with the kids... really! They are so precious. I'm praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

Cherie, I feel the same way a lot! I'm just so glad to see that someone else's kids are reading things phonetically like Timothy is. I also worry that I'm going to ruin him, and why I didn't do this or that earlier. I had a hard day yesterday, and sometimes I just want to throw my hands up and quit, and then the next is better. It's such a rollercoaster ride sometimes. But it's nice to know I'm not the only one.

Anonymous said...

I hear that if you drink an entire bottle of will sleep like a

(By the way...I'm not recommending that!)

Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for you! Linda has been having head/sinus/ear issues too. We're right there with you.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better, and really enjoyed reconnecting today :)

melissa lynn said...

Hey I really like how you praise God for the bad days. I think I need to do that more often. I love yall and hope you have more good (and bad) days.

Dreama said...

Cherie...Cherie...Are you there??? Guess you and Buddy have FINALLY gotten to spend some well deserved time together since NEITHER one of you has blogged lately, LOL!!!