Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Bad Thanksgiving Meal?

My eldest daughter asked me the most curious question tonight. I thought that I would pose it to you.

"Have you ever had a bad Thanksgiving have you ever burned the turkey or something?"

I thought that her question was funny!

To answer it...I have never had a bad Thanksgiving meal. My mother, and mother-in-law are both fabulous cooks, and I don't do half bad myself!

Last year's Thanksgiving meal was especially wonderful. Buddy took us out to a little country diner. It is in Frankston, Tx. It was sooooo good that I actually considered making myself throw up just so that I could eat some more...sorry...tmi!


Anonymous said...

I remember what COULD have been a bad meal on Thanksgiving several years was when Kenya had knee surgery. We came home on Thanksgiving day, bought the last of the Brookshire's "pre-cooked" Thanksgiving meals, heated everything up in the microwave, pulled the dining room table over to the couch to be near her, and ate and ate and ate! What most would have considered a "bad" Thanksgiving, turned out so well -- our family just thankful to be together, at home instead of in the hospital, and grateful for God's protection over Kenya's surgery!

Oh! I thought of another Thanksgiving, I set the turkey on fire in the oven!! (Hint: Make sure that your roasting pan is big enough to catch the juices falling off the side of the pan!!) Yes....the fire extinguisher worked :)

Cherie said...

LOL...yes,thanks for the "juice" reminder... grease and fire do not mix!
I wish that Damon or Kendra would tell their Thanksgiving "bad meal" story...I will have to call to see if she will post is soooo funny!

Anonymous said...

haha...i remember the turkey that caught on fire...and the fire extinguisher that saved us!!!

Ladybug Flower Garden said...

I don't think i have had a bad Thanksgiving meal yet!!!! Hope you had a great one. We had a nice quiet time here at home.

Anonymous said...

I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Dreama said...

Valentine's Day is coming up...You're still talking turkey. Tell your husband to fix that computer!!!