Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Testing 1 2 3

It is raining outside,and the kids are fighting. So, I thought that I would put myself in time out and see if this blogging thing still works. Hey...I think that it does.

So much is changing right now in our seemed like an appropriate time to come to the keyboard and vent....ahh, I mean express myself.

Sunday night, after two heart stirring sermons, my husband and I went forward to tell our pastor, co-laborer and friend of 12 years that God is calling us out of our wonderful church to begin a new work. I have been choking back tears ever since. I keep having to remind myself to take a deep breath and swallow hard.

We met last night with members of our new ministry team for a time of seeking God. It was sweet and refreshing. I hope for many more times like it as we step out in faith to follow God's direction.
As we prepare to leave our church home and family, I am reminded of a Rich Mullins song that says that "home is where You (God) are". This is a good reminder to my half grieving, half excited heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love that I can call you sister. It's never easy, but its always comorting knowing that God has planned and prepared the things that we had no idea were happening. Praying for yall, La Duni is calling our name.