Sunday, February 11, 2007

They are Watching

There seems to be a running theme in what the Lord is telling me lately. Through an experience recently with a misunderstood post, I came realize that people are watching me. Before you think that I am having a paranoid episode...I was approached this evening by a younger girl in my congregation who said that the girls are being encouraged , by their Sunday school teachers, to find older woman to "mentor" them. She asked me if I would be hers. I was at first honored, then excited , then humbled, then I sorta got this sick feeling in my stomach! "That means she is watching me! Oh, Lord help me."
Living a life that is a good testimony to other people, for the glory of Christ, it is not a new concept to me. I try to live in a way that would not bring shame to the One whose Name I wear. But as I looked at that girl in the face tonight I realized that there is a lot a stake here. What if she sees me fail? What if she finds out I'm really a mess? What if she sees that I'm just a no good sinner and the only thing that saves me from the deepest pit of Hell is the God's mercy through Jesus!...As I pondered the dilemma, a peace came over me. I realized that my being a real "saved by grace sinner" was the only testimony I have to live before her or anyone else that happens to be watching.
Of Course, I will continue to do my very best to live in a manner that is worthy of the calling (with the help of the Holy Spirit). And when she sees me make a mistake, I will point her to Christ and be a living example for her of His great forgiveness. I pray that God will help me live my life in a way that will serve to draw people's attention to Christ.


Anonymous said...

Cherie, this is a great post! Every question and burden is something I think I face every time I enter the church buildings. You always have eyes watching young and old.

The truth is we do fail and we do mess up and they will see. The best thing to do is take it before the Lord repent, and be the example.

I fell into a situation where I was in the wrong with several of the teens. I prayed over it with sorrow and disgust for my lack of leadership and then approached each teen apologizing for my own actions.

Maybe as students they don't hear I'm sorry and I'm wrong enough, but it has done nothing more but I build their respect toward me and I think level the plane that none of us are perfect but we are all serving the One who is.

Anonymous said...

I think one of the hardest things about being a mentor is that the person whom you are mentoring does not see you 24/7 like your family does. So...when you mess up, it seems that an opinion is quickly formed without knowing the "rest of the story". It's kind of like in business...There are statistics that show that when customers receive good customer service they are pleased and may tell 2-4(? I forgot the exact number)people about it, but if the customer receives bad service they are most likely to tell 12 people on the average. Consequently, we tend to form a bad opinion of someone quicker than we form a good opinion. ...I guess because we expect the good, and then are shocked by the bad?! Am I making sense? I feel like I am rambling:) Anyway, it is no doubt a huge responsibility and commitment to make by agreeing to be a mentor. I have to admit I'm a little jealous of the girl!...I was kind of hoping you'd mentor me!!

Cherie said...
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Cherie said...

Haha...Very funny Julie! Is there any such thing as co-mentoring? You mentor me and I mentor you:)
I think they just call that good ol fellowship...spurring eachother on to good works!
Anyway, I thought that you brought up a very interesting point about people outside of our homes being harder judges of our words and actions. I don't know what to do about that, except pray for strength to be Christ like and for mercy when I am not!
As far as how this information changes me...well I will try harder to praise the godly things I see in people. And if I see them struggling, I will pray for them and give them words of encouragement.
I will add that I think that you and Kenneth do a great job at both living a godly example and at gently rebuking and encouraging your brothers and sisters in Christ. I am grateful that God has placed you guys in our lives.

Anonymous said...

Cherie,don't change.You are an example to us all. We are all sinners saved by grace, but we still have to carry the old man around with us. I am so thankful for Christ choosing Peter. Even though he messed up, Jesus used him in a mighty way. You and Buddie are both great mentors for me and my family.

Tamara said...

Not only you and Buddy, but also your children. My family, including Ashley and Josh have been spiritually affected by you and your family and MOST OFF ALL the calling of the Holy Spirit. I'm watched, you're watched, Buddy, Mom, Pop, people from my church, and yours are all watched. It's scary and we all don't know how to deal with it in "todays" world. It can be scary. Maybe there is some incite to be shared here (besides my bad spelling).

Anonymous said...

My first thought as I read your post was WQW, WQW, WQW I have a daughter old enough to be a mentor!!! How did that happen? I was just holding her in my arms as a baby just the other day. Where did all those years go? She is now a WIFE, MOTHER, MENTOR and soooooo much more!! As I reflect back on my own life and to this day I have always had someone older than myself to be MY mentor (even through I am now 60). Cherie, you will recognize most of these names...MaryAnn Hobby, Mary Mankin, Loris Puckering, Maggie Williamson, Joyce Smoak and still, Loris. Different chapers of my life, but God has always had someone in my life like that. You are now part of the "sandwich" generation in regards to Mentor. Mentorer and Mentoree. Welcome to the club.

Anonymous said...

That was WOW WOW WOW. These old eyes was wondering what that little line under the O was all about. Da, it was a Q!!!

Cherie said... will always be my favorite mentor!!! I think that I have had the best there is.

Anonymous said...

I'm not using this as an excuse for poor behavior in any way, nor does this mean that we can't have a negative effect. The Lord is amazing!! During a period of my life that I was the most disappointed in my own behavior a person that I really wanted to show the power of God to some years later told me that my life and that of my family was very important to them in leading them back to the Lord. What a gracious God we serve. It's all the power of God no matter what!!

Buddy said...

Cherie, God's grace is on you for this role. I have lived with you now for 14 years and I think you're perfect.

Buddy said...

I thought about this blog today...and the concept of people watching you. I was sitting in class last night and the girl turns around and asks me if I am Buddy Holt, and then proceeds to tell me things that she has heard in detail(all good fortunately!). That led into a conversation and I met her husband and her friend sitting next to her and they all knew who I was and things about my family, because they knew mutual friends from another church. It was wild and reminded me also that you never know who is watching!!!

Anonymous said...


I just want you to know that you and Buddy are such a light for Christ! You are so grounded and it makes others want to follow the same path. Please don't worry...others are watching you and they are changing for the better. I just want to say thank you for being you.